A recruitment event being held in Northampton town centre promises to be ‘just the job’ for anyone looking for work in time for Christmas.
The jobs fair is being staged by Northampton Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) as part of a drive to match jobseekers with vacancies at a number of companies in and around the town.
The event will be held from 11am-3pm on Friday 12th November in the Grosvenor Gatherings unit in Grosvenor Shopping Northampton (located next to River Island, Upper Floor).
Mark Mullen, BID Operations Manager, said: “We have heard from a number of town centre businesses with vacancies to fill and we wanted to provide a platform where all those looking for work could come and chat to prospective employers and see what’s available.
“Christmas is a hugely important period for retailers in particular and it’s a good time to find work and build a career. We’ve got some exceptional employers confirmed already and hopefully it can help get people back into work in time for a festive pay cheque.”
Employers already confirmed for the Jobs Fair include A-Plan Insurance, Nationwide, Northamptonshire Police, Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service while representatives of the West Northamptonshire Council Job Club will also be on hand.
Businesses will be able to man their own stand to meet and discuss potential opportunities with candidates. Businesses are welcome to bring pull up banners and printed materials to promote themselves and their vacancies.
Businesses interested should email info@northamptonbid.co.uk with your business name and contact details.
For more information about Northampton BID visit www.discovernorthampton.co.uk