With our new Kick Start small business grants now available offering small businesses £2,000 funding (for more info please visit) we’ve asked a collection of last year’s successful grant winners about their business journey, and the support they have received from BIPC Northamptonshire and their best piece of business advice.
The third business to update is Goldings Communications. Here’s Kim Hughes, Goldings Communications Director, sharing her business story:
What is Goldings Communications?
We are PR and reputation management partners based in Northampton, and we work with purpose-led, service-based businesses and not-for-profits that are making a social or environmental impact, helping them be better known for all the things they are best at.
We ultimately help them build a strong reputation with the people who matter the most – their key stakeholders. We find ways to place them in front of those people through strategic storytelling, so that they are seen and known as experts in their field.
What is your BIPC Reset. Restart grant story?
I had not heard about the BIPC until I was told about it by a business acquaintance. I had one week left to apply for the Restart Grant, so I spent that week participating in the webinars and writing my business plan. I had never written a business plan before, but the session through the BIPC was so informative and gave me the basis. When I started writing, my ideas seemed to come from nowhere and it felt like it was always meant to be. I was thrilled to be invited for the interview stage and to then be awarded the grant.
How did you spend the business grant?
I spent the money on my new logo and website, because I knew straight away that having my own strong brand was important.
Apart from the Reset. Restart grant, how have the BIPC supported you?
I have taken full advantage of their free workshops, and I intend to factor these into all my business planning going forward. The BIPC Northamptonshire offers a huge variety of webinars for every aspect of a business – tips on Google My Business, market research, business modelling – and they have been so valuable.
I have also benefited from business coaching advice, and being part of a community of likeminded business owners who are at the same stage in their businesses as me. We have created a WhatsApp group between us, and regularly communicate with each other to ask questions and get advice on things and it was the BIPC that brought us together.
What are your plans for the future?
To build on what I have started in terms of refining my business model, adding even more value to our clients, and growing the team. We’re exploring some really exciting strategic partnerships with likeminded creatives too, so there’s lots in the pipeline.
What is your best piece of business advice?
To be a lifelong learner – it’s probably why I love the BIPC so much. I crave to keep learning, I love discovering new things, and I have only just started my business journey, so I have some way to go.
Please visit Goldings Communications website here
You can contact Kim via email at kim@goldings-comms.co.uk