There are 2 grants – the Discretionary Restart Grant and the Local Business Hardship Fund and businesses can find information on the Grant information pages (links below), and apply direct from the Direct application links (links below).
Discretionary Restart is for :
Business who are not eligible for the mandatory Restart Scheme as their business does not have a rateable value (EV) and are in the following sectors:
Non Essential Retail
Gyms & Sports
Personal Care
The Hardship Fund:
The Scheme includes both a financial grant and business support. This scheme is aimed at small and medium sized independent businesses that;
Have between 10-250 employees, and
a balance sheet total of no more than £18million or annual turnover no more than £36million and due to the COVID19 pandemic restrictions;
Have been forced to close under the governments mandatory closure guidance businesses that were required to close either with or without a rateable value
While not legally forced to close are nonetheless severely impacted by the restrictions, with or without a commercial property (for example businesses which supply or service those mandated to close). In the event the business does have a commercial property with a rateable value, the businesses who, according to the billing authority’s records, was the ratepayer in respect of the hereditament on 5th November is eligible to apply
AND prioritises these sectors:
Creative & Cultural
Hospitality, Leisure and Retail
**Any application to the Hardship Fund will be subject to financial checks and assessments given the larger amount of money available
Grant information pages
Direct application links (Discretionary Restart and Hardship Fund)
Finally information is here for the ‘Restart’ grant for businesses with a Business Rates liability which is managed by the North Northants Business Rates team: