A few weeks into my role as an information specialist in the Northamptonshire Business and Intellectual Property Centre (BIPC) and it’s plain that there is no shortage of passion in Northamptonshire’s libraries.
And I’m not just talking about the content of the romance and fiction shelves. The places are positively pulsating with it.
Add the warmth, knowledge and enthusiasm of library staff into the mix and the determination of entrepreneurs involved in BIPC Northants events and drop-in sessions to make the world a better place and it’s no wonder that local libraries give off such good vibes.
Who am I to make such claims? My literary credentials stem from bouncing on Barbara Cartland’s knee as a baby (a story for another day) while 26 years working in and around the county on business support projects has given me valuable insightsintoo what makes businesses tick.

Passion alone won’t power a business to success of course and that’s where BIPC Northants can help you to get the essential building blocks in place at an early stage, protect your intellectual property and make informed decisions about the direction that your business takes.
BIPC Northamptonshire has recently launched a support programme for entrepreneurs and early-stage businesses in the county with just this in mind.
Build Your Business features free webinars and workshops on markets and customers, business growth strategy, financial planning and personal development for business owners. You can also use our business research databases and have one-to-one sessions with our information specialists.
I’m surprised that more established businesses don’t make use of the libraries’ free, online research assets and support on intellectual property protection from local patent attornies, often a key factor in entering new markets and launching new products or services.
So whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or in an established business, make a point of dropping into your local library to tell us about your passion and to ask about the help available from BIPC Northants.
One thing’s for sure: you’ll get a warm reception.