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Meet our BYB Grant Winners - Believe & Achieve Business Academy

A picture of Clare Sutherland and Yvette Polok on a pink background

Clare Sutherland and Yvette Polok met whilst working together in a start-up, Clare’s background in Marketing and Operations and Yvette’s in Customer Service and People Management. 

They shared the love of engaging with people, Yvette’s strengths were networking and connecting people, whilst Clare’s were detail, problem solving and project planning. 

The idea of Believe & Achieve developed from the vision to build their own business with a model that provided flexibility with time, as they are both devoted mothers, but also to build a business that nourished their core values to live authentically and work to their strengths.  

Working in and around start-up businesses and both with businesses of their own, they know first hand the challenges that self-employed business owners face. 

  • Business owners are time poor and trying to fulfil every role within a small business which can really test your skill sets – you don’t know what you don’t know!  

  • The vicious circle is that it takes time (which you don’t have) to find the right people to expand your knowledge or skills in areas outside of your core business e.g. finance, social media.  

So, the idea was sparked… what if we can bring together specialists in every field who can impart their knowledge in short manageable lessons via an app for business owners to implement into their businesses, which in turn would help them to grow?!  

Many business owners take time out to network and generate sales but very few allocate time to their development and learning which inevitably means they can introduce efficiencies and best practice into their businesses. Work smarter not harder! 

So what’s in store for Believe & Achieve? 

September 2024 

The launch of Believe & Achieve Collaborate to Accelerate Membership. This membership is for a monthly events programme featuring talks from inspirational business owners.  Limited to 30 members, members choose to either only attend the event which will feature a talk from a specialist in their field or upgrade to include the post event co-working team to implement the learnings into their business. The events are held just outside of Kettering, Northamptonshire. Visit for more information. 

In 2025 

In 2025 we will launch the Believe and Achieve Business Academy. Members will be able to choose a 6 or 12 month programme where they have access to the App, upgrade to include a monthly 45 minute coaching session with a coach of your choice depending on which area of your business needs the focus. One module is delivered per month in daily 6 minute videos, the academy provides bite-sized learning and tasks combined with access to a catalogue of specialists knowledge, accountability & community.  

The academy content is designed to take members from feeling overwhelmed to feeling supported, confident and in control of their business growth.  

The BIPC have been incremental to the launch of Believe & Achieve from sound advice in one-to-ones, online learning and finance to help the business to get off the ground. We are using the grant funding to set up our systems to include sales funnels and automation and we will be working with Lovely Evolution to create the content to launch both academy membership options online. 


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