Congratulations to our very own David Tonks on his retirement after 35 years of service. David is an extremely popular member of the library service. His depth of knowledge is second to none and his calming presence and manner will be missed by all his colleagues here at the BIPC Northamptonshire.

BIPC Northamptonshire Official Launch in 2017.
David has worked on many successful projects including establishing the first Friends Group and overseeing the programme to protect Northamptonshire Libraries and Information Service’s IT equipment from the Millennium Bug in 2000.
Here's David sharing the story of his successful career:
Wellingborough Library
I worked for 25 years in the Wellingborough and East Northants area as an Information Librarian, based at Wellingborough Library. I was responsible for the reference and local studies collections in the Library. I was also at various times the Manager of Wellingborough Tourist Information Centre, a Learndirect Centre and was heavily involved in delivering the People’s Network Project for the Area’s libraries.
For the last decade, I’ve been based at Northampton Central Library, which has included being part of the Team delivering the Business advice service, initially through the Enterprise Hub service in partnership with the Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership and now as part of the BIPC Network
My proudest moment was when we were able to award grants to 19 fantastic new local businesses as part of our Reset. Restart Programme
My most memorable moment was walking through fields, with only moonlight for guidance on the way to delivering a presentation for the launch of the North Northants Business Network. Not sure muddy shoes was a good look, but hopefully I pulled it off.
My best piece of business advice is to find your niche, who your customers are, and then devote all your efforts to attracting and keeping them.