There is so much to think about when you are in the early stages of developing your idea. Planning, finance, marketing, sales, staff, protecting your business’s IP, and your own personal development. Where do you even begin?
The answer is simple. Start here!
The Business and IP Centre Northamptonshire’s new Build Your Business programme is here to help you develop your business ideas into reality.

As with laying bricks in a wall, there is no route to instant completion. Until the bottom row is securely in place, you cannot begin to progress to the next layer. Building a business with longevity also means that the row of bricks at the bottom is just as important as those on the top.
The Build Your Business Programme includes 5 modules (Start here!, markets and customers, business growth strategy, financial planning and personal development for business owners) to help you one row of bricks at a time.
The first module of the Build Your Business programme helps to set the scene. The Start Here! Webinar will provide you with an introduction to the BIPC Northamptonshire and the UKSPF funded Build Your Business Programme.
The session will include details of the services available to help your business, and how you can access them through the Northamptonshire library service for FREE.
The webinar will also introduce you to some of the basic elements of Intellectual Property (IP) and how these can affect new small businesses – just like yours. Most importantly the webinar will talk through how you can begin to protect your business with the help of Copyright, Trademarks, Registered Designs, and Patents.
The BIPC Northamptonshire is well equipped to support young businesses not only through knowledge and information, but as a potential source of finance too. Attendees to the Module 1 webinar will also find out more about the BIPC Northamptonshire’s £2,000 grant, and how to apply.
More information about the BIPC Northamptonshire’s Build Your Business programme can be found here: Build Your Business | BIPC Northants, and you can register to join the Start Here! Webinar via Events, Webinars & Workshops in Northamptonshire for Business.

Blog by James Elliot, Information
Specialist at the Business & IP Centre Northamptonshire.
James will be delivering the Build Your Business Module One Programme of Webinars, Workshops and business support, alongside the whole team at the BIPC Northamptonshire.
Find out more about James and his time at the BIPC here: Meet the Team - James Elliott.